Project Description: Envoy Integrated Health received a grant through United Way’s subgrantee, the Municipality of Anchorage, to implement a COVID vaccine hesitancy campaign targeting underrepresented populations in the Anchorage DMA who were experiencing vaccine misperception and/or hesitancy. These populations included Korean and Spanish-speaking adult males and females and their families. Campaign objectives included:
Messaging Strategy: We sought to appeal to the target audiences’ cultural emphasis on family and protecting one’s family.
Talent: We selected talent from a pool of bilingual male Spanish speakers to appeal to husbands, fathers, grandfathers, and uncles. A female talent was also selected for a second spot targeting women caregivers and family members.
Media Campaign: The radio PSA was run in English and Spanish on local radio stations in the Anchorage DMA. Additional campaign materials included flyers in churches, mobile in-app geofencing of churches, grocery stores, the YMCA, and other locations frequented by the target audience, and a Google Search campaign in English and Spanish.
Project Team