

(907) 947-0188

Walsh Sheppard

111 West 9th Avenue
Anchorage, AK

Animated Video

The (Alcohol Misuse) Alliance: Youth Underage Alcohol Use Prevention/Social Norms – Choose Connection

Project Description: In September 2022, W|S was contracted with The Alliance, a statewide alcohol misuse prevention network funded by Recover Alaska and the Division of Behavioral Health, to develop, implement, and evaluate a strengths-based youth underage alcohol use prevention campaign. Our team worked with the statewide network to recruit youth ages 14-20, with representation from each region, who would inform the objectives and messaging for the campaign. We utilized a mobile ethnography platform to engage with these youth and learn from their perspectives, as this younger audience was more tech-savvy and would be comfortable using this method. Mobile ethnography also provides a more confidential means of obtaining authentic and real-time perceptions and is therefore more fitting for sensitive subjects like underage alcohol use. The results of this work helped us identify youth barriers and opportunities related to the prevention of alcohol use, media, and other channels to reach them, key messaging, and additional details that informed the overall strategy of the campaign.

Materials developed for the campaign include a landing page, videos for use on digital and traditional media, scripts for public radio, a community outreach toolkit, posters, postcards, and “connection circle” stickers. The campaign kicked off with a soft launch in July of 2023, and was aired on APRN statewide, as well as a WEIO TV sponsorship and mobile geofencing of the event. Due to a funding hold with the state, the media campaign was paused, and the official launch began in early January 2024.

Production Team

    1. Project Lead: Kelby Holtfreter Murphy
    2. Data Analysis & Project Support: Erin Torgerson and Gabi Riquelme
    3. Messaging Strategist/Copywriter: Gabi Riquelme
    4. Creative Direction: Sam Irwin, Jack Sheppard
    5. Illustration, Animation, and Video Production: Shelby Kulish