

(907) 947-0188

Walsh Sheppard

111 West 9th Avenue
Anchorage, AK

Print Material 2

Council on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault: Sexual Assault Response Team (SART) Brochure


Project Description: A common barrier to receiving medical and psychological help following sexual assault is a misperception that someone must file a police report or involve law enforcement. To help dispel this misperception and increase rates of sexual assault survivors receiving timely and appropriate care, we worked with CDVSA to develop in-clinic brochures and posters, as well as messaging and graphics for a landing page with additional information about the many non-legal options following sexual assault. We were tasked with developing simple messaging that would help the reader better understand their options when faced with instances of sexual assault, and connect them to local resources. 


To reach and increase reception among a range of individuals, we developed illustrated graphics showing male and female genders of various body sizes and ethnicities. We used dialog boxes for the Q&A section to help the reader better navigate and find answers to common questions and areas of confusion reported by CDVSA’s sexual assault intervention grantees and SART professionals. We left an open rectangle on the back middle panel to allow CDVSA grantees throughout the state to place a label with local direct-care provider contact information. Reports from grantees indicate that these materials have proven to be effective and have helped create an opening for having a conversation with survivors and their family and friends about the many options available to a survivor of sexual assault. More information can be found on the  SART landing page.


Production Team

  1. Project Lead: Kelby Holtfreter Murphy
  2. Messaging Strategist/Copywriter: Kelby Holtfreter Murphy
  3. Illustration, Graphic Design, and Creative Direction: Sam Irwin